{Morning Thoughts} So conflicted this morning – it is so hard to hold on to a positive demeanor when faced with constant reinforcement of the fact that the US system of how we provide maternity care is totally broken.
Yesterday brought some serious reality checks to the forefront.
1. A truly desperate pregnant woman, literally dumped out of a medical practice at 35 weeks and told she couldn’t attend there anymore BECAUSE SHE NOW HAS INSURANCE that they wouldn’t accept! No one else would take her, she found us yesterday and got to hear her baby’s heartbeat right away.
2. Realizing that following my own hashtag – #ItsTimeToTellTheTruth is beyond waring and debilitating as the effort to do just that, takes its constant toll on me
3. Understanding the strength, resilience and ‘staying-power’ of the women, and men, who stand with me day in and day out, to get this work done – just leaves me in awe and gratitude
4. Wondering how long this can continue before we see any significant change, as the talking and sharing, and researching and writing, continues on while moms and babies suffer ………
My documentary ‘the AMERICAN dream’ (filmed and produced by the amazing Paolo Patruno) is THREE years old next week. Have you seen it yet? It’s free on YouTube.
If you want to hear the voices of women affected by this ‘crisis’ in the USA – have a look and give me your feedback. Let’ s practice some LISTENING – at this point I truly don’t know what else to do!