I am delighted to announce that my book Beautiful! Images of Health, Joy and Vitality in Pregnancy and Birth, is available to buy now.


Beautiful! Images of Health, Joy and Vitality in Pregnancy and Birth documents the journeys of the women in my practice and the effectiveness of The JJ Way® on improving birth outcomes.

25 years ago, I realized I was unable to stand by and accept the status quo, so I searched for a solution that could make a difference for the women of color in my area. I knew that the midwifery model of providing healthcare, a centuries old standard of woman-to-woman care, can make an impact. Slowly I developed a program, a method, a system: The JJ Way® was born.

Our model has always made sure that pregnant people and their families were centered and that they knew that they were going to be supported no matter what. Utilizing the four JJ Way® tenets of Access, Connections, Knowledge, and Empowerment we set to work all those years ago.

The JJ way® is used to turn around the lives of young women and their future babies.

I am excited to share some of the inspiring stories of success and resilience of these women in my book “Beautiful! Images of Health, Joy and Vitality in Pregnancy and Birth.

Join me in honouring the power of The JJ way® and the amazing impact it’s had on so many lives.

“Beautiful! gives America an intimate view of the diversity and uniqueness in pregnancy.”

– Shafia M. Monrie, Midwife, founder of International Center for Traditional Childbearing

“Jennie captures the essences of victory in each image of Mothers who rebirthed themselves throughout the birthing experience”

– Toni Moody MD, Pediatrician

“Jennie Joseph prods us along with wondrous images and hard evidence. She encourages us to believe. She encourages us to pay attention and understand that we do, in fact, hold the key to reducing the disparities that currently define pregnancy, childbirth and the neonatal period.”

– Deanna Wathington, MD, MPH Director, Public Health Practice Program, University of South Florida